Simple Blood Test For Brain and Heart Health

Homocysteine… when it is high, it is a big problem for long term health and one you have most likely never heard of.

Your Homocysteine level may be a more important marker for your heart and brain health than your cholesterol level, yet I bet you have never had this tested!

Homocysteine is an intermediary amino acid that is part of our normal body chemistry and causes no harm. It’s is usually recycled with CH3 molecules called methyl groups, but your genetics (epigenetics) may slow it down. About 33-50% of Americans have certain alterations or SNPs in a gene called MTHFR which is a key reason for the slow down. (1) Nutritional deficiencies are a big cause as well.

When homocysteine becomes elevated, it is dangerous and unhealthy.  At high levels, homocysteine causes inflammation and neurotoxic, and increases oxidative stress (free radical damage) in the brain by reducing glutathione levels. (2-5)

Elevated homocysteine can also cause changes to mitochondria (6) and reduce energy levels in the brain which could be linked to CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).

Elevated homocysteine is also associated with lower lower levels of serotonin and SAMe and connected to changes in mood and post partum depression! (7)

You can see in the picture above that Homocysteine sits right in the middle of multiple chemical reactions and is constantly being recycled with the help of adequate levels of bioactive forms of vitamins B6, B12 and Folate. TMG and NAC are also great supplements for this process to take place more smoothly. (These are not the forms found in your standard CVS or Costco brand multivitamins)

It is very important to know your homocysteine level so ask your doctor to check it. It should be under 10, more specifically closer to 7.

You won’t feel bad or sick if your Homocysteine level is high, as it damages you slowly over time. Checking this and many other factors and restoring balance to your body is what a Functional doctor does.

If you would like access to my online Fullscript account to purchase professional grade supplements at a discount, you can sign up here:

You might consider adding one supplement at a time like Folinic Acid (active Folate) or Hydroyx B12, OR you can add a supplement that contains all of the co-factors to help lower Homocysteine like Homocysteine Supreme by Designs For Health (always start low dose and go slow)

If you or someone you know has a chronic health condition and would like to get an entirely different perspective, check out a complimentary consult that can be scheduled here:










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